Comfy Covers

Have you listened to a cassette tape that was left too long in the hot sun, like on a car dashboard? Maybe your turntable needed the belt replaced, or maybe your boombox was just about to run out of battery life? The sound created is off, there is something wrong, but you love it, and when it ended you just wanted more. That’s what just happened as we listened to the latest three song set “99 Dreams” by artist “Hackiku”. The latest release covers three classics by Nena, Sia, and The Cranberries. The work is steeped in lo-fi beats, keyboard and effects. What remains true on all three is the present vocals provided by band mistro Anika Ostendorf which capture your ear as the tracks both support and dissolve her performance. The songs are a pleasure and a welcome diversion from both pop and art rock. Best described as dream pop or avant garde , Hackiku provides an infectious performance that leaves you wanting more of these sleepy covers. Hackiku will no doubt be busy touring this year so check the site for upcoming international dates. 

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