Home Thru Hell

Deap Lips is a collaboration between Deap Vally and members of The Flaming Lips.

Psychedelic singer-songwriter garage rock? Yes please! We were thrilled to hear the collaboration of Deap Vally (duo) and impasarios of sound, The Flaming Lips, on this new set of material as the supergroup “Deap Lips”. The song we gravitated to “Home Thru Hell” features the vocals of Deap Vally (Lindsey Troy and Julie Edwards) on a track that is heavily lipped. The lyrics and vocals keep the track rooted and substantial as the constantly evolving music tries desperately to veer off into space. Such a pleasurable track that offers so much that binge loop listening may be required. When they managed to slip in the lyric “flaming lips of youth” I almost fell out of my chair. If you love rock and long for artistic integrity, definitely check out this album now! 



